A registered 501(c)(3)
“In unity, there is strength”
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About LEO Only – Beyond Facebook
Our organization officially began in 2014 and was started by a Police Officer, Craig Polen. Unfortunately, the organization began under tragic circumstances when Craig’s best friend from high school, and a fellow State Trooper, decided to take his own life in mid- 2013. As a result of this life changing experience, Craig shared his LEO – Only Face book page, which he had started prior to this event to keep in touch with fellow officers, and transformed it into the organization that we know today. The humble beginnings of a Facebook page, which offered law enforcement officers an outlet to discuss their emotions and to share experiences, has expanded to a world-wide network of law enforcement brothers & sisters. From a membership of ONE, we have now grown into an organization of over 36,500 members world-wide! … read more
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